Second time around, I was not getting better. 

When Calum started pre-school at the age of 2, I was more nevous than he was. 

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前陣子在台灣鬧的熱熱沸沸的學生 v.s. 部長的大戰,讓我感觸不少。


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自從在 Jia 家吃過 slow- roasted tomoatoes 之後,我找到機會就試做,因為太好吃了!


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June 5, 2012. Calum finished 5th grade at Orrington. Orrington had a significant meaning to me and Claum. It was at this school, we started a life just two of us. I always remember what his kingtergargen teacher Ms. Johnson told me when I expressed my concern about Calum having been movning around and was expereince his parents getting a divorce. We had no friends in this town, Evanston at that time. The only reason we moved to this town was so it was closer to my school and work. Bebing a single mom, I couldn't afford stucking in traffic and worried about whehter I could pick him up from school in time.

Ms. Johnson told me. School was to provide what I could not at that time: Stability. It was nice for Calum to come back to a familiar environment, same teacher, and classmates while everything was going on. Without asking too much, she told me I was doing a great job and she would help me any way she could. Just like that, Orrington became a constant and familiar factor in Calum and my life. We made many friends at Orrington. Kids got along very well and parents enjoyed each other too! We were there to help teachers and we were there to help each other too. 

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