目前分類:Journey with Pete (17)

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自從 Pete換了工作,我辭掉工作之後,我們真的過的是幸福快樂的日子。


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"When you are comfortable with your differences, you are free".

This phrase came to my mind while I was watching CNN news on the main floor with Boomer and Pete watched Sherlok Holmes in the basement on a Sunday evening. 

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今天是我和 Pete 結婚兩週年。短短的兩年內,我們買了房子,有了 Boomer,我們的兔寶寶又即將誕生,變化真是好大啊!

我很感謝 Pete 對這個家的努力,以及對我們母子倆的寵愛。

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我老公很好奇的使用了Google translator 來看看老婆在網路上說了他什麼。這翻譯啊可會害死人。請看highlight 之處。


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So we went to the information session for adoption at Cradle in Evanston a couple weeks ago.

It was a nice sunny cool fall morning. Pete and I walked to Cradle which is about 10 minutes walk from our house hand in hand. We felt like we were going to meet our child even though it was just an information session.

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第一,他脾氣好。除了我妹妹的老公 John 外,我再也沒有看過可以忍受王家小姐脾氣的男人了。我的脾氣很倔,而且很愛面子,每次吵架ㄧ定不是我道歉。我老公總是說王家女人字典裡沒有對不起這句話。

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In three weeks, we will go to the information session for adoption at Cradle, an adoption agency in Evanston. I am very excited! 

Pete and I have thought about adoption for a long time. It was not exactly our 'mutual' decision at the same time. We have both thought about adoption individually before we met but after we got married, this idea got strengthened day by day. 

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Quoted fromlukai09 - 2009.6 老闆的婚禮


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Wedding details have to wait. Honeymoon first!

Croatia: Dubrovnik

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Last night before we went to bed, Pete said to me "Thank you for making the bed".

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If you love someone, don't be shy to say it

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Engaged! Taken next to Love River, Kaohsiung, Taiwan on January 3, 2009

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The relationship is like a tango.

Sometimes the steps are long and elegant.

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Received this lovely poem...

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It was a cold and wet Februry morning. Drizzling. She just finished her meeting in downtown Evanston. Tired and cold. She walked into the Starbucks and hoped a cup of hot latte would warm her up. Preoccupied with what was discussed in the meeting, she was not aware of the man who was coming out from the Starbucks with a hot drink in his hand. He opened the door and she ran into him. Coffee spilled onto her. Damn it, she thought, it was my favorite cream color coat that I was going to wear for the upcoming party. The man was apologetic but "really it was not my fault", he thought, "and there went my latte." They went into the Starbucks looking for napkins to clean her coat. "I am sorry, I didn't see you", the man apologized. "Oh, it is not your fault. I was not looking myself", she explained. The man helped her clean her coat but a big stain stayed on the front of the coat. She was mad but also understood that it was her fault and this man actually was very nice helping her. She tried to find something to say to hide her frustration. She spotted that man was carrying some brochures from Northwestern University. It was about non-credit courses that school of continuing studies offers. "Are you taking classes at Norhtwestern?", she asked. "Oh, not yet. I am here for an Info session and I am thinking of taking a couple of classes but can't decide yet." "Oh, I am working for Northwestern and taking classes at the same time and maybe I can give you some suggestions", she replied but in fact she was thinking "what am I doing? He must think I am crazy." To her surprise, the mad accepted her offer and asked her to have coffee together. He got his new latte and one for her. "He likes latte, good choice", she thought. They talked and talked until she had to return to the office. He gave her his email and asked hers.

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  • Aug 18 Thu 2005 12:14
  • 新家

我住的地方每隔十分鐘就有一架飛機飛過每十五分鐘 後院又有火車轟隆轟隆的急駛過
幾天下來 我已經練就在談話被打斷以後還可不加逗點或句號繼續把一個句子講完

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