目前分類:Merely Complaints (11)

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I want to write about this topic for a long time but it was difficult for me to write it down because 1) don't want to offend anyone 2) want to make sure I am not critizing anyone (same as don't want to offend anyone). 

Since I was a teenager, I thought about not having my own kids but to adopt. My theory was very simple. One child=a social responsibility. Since there are so many unwanted children=many social responsiblities, why would I want to create additional social responsibitlies? Therefore, if I adopt one child, I will relieve one social responsibilty. If I adopt two, I will relieve two. 

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shyanmei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

前陣子在台灣鬧的熱熱沸沸的學生 v.s. 部長的大戰,讓我感觸不少。


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「舊時謂統治者為迫害知識份子,故意從其著作中摘取字句,羅織成罪」 ~ 《漢語大詞典》

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最近看了番紅花的一篇有關離婚的文章 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bachbug/836335  不禁想小吐苦水一下。


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People who want to give me gifts must think that I am demanding.

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Hastily said good bye to some friends on Plurk and then immediately closed my account because I know if I didn't act quickly, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from fighting back on Plurk.

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My sister and I talked about what I wrote in my previous blog.
It was hard to look at them again.

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  • Jul 24 Tue 2007 02:08

By Sage Lee

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