
I want to write about this topic for a long time but it was difficult for me to write it down because 1) don't want to offend anyone 2) want to make sure I am not critizing anyone (same as don't want to offend anyone). 

Since I was a teenager, I thought about not having my own kids but to adopt. My theory was very simple. One child=a social responsibility. Since there are so many unwanted children=many social responsiblities, why would I want to create additional social responsibitlies? Therefore, if I adopt one child, I will relieve one social responsibilty. If I adopt two, I will relieve two. 

As simple as that! 

Until I have my own child or children...

Pete and I still want to adopt; one thing we are absoulte in common. He wants to pay it back and I want to...well relieve social responsiblilty. 

I feel, if I give this child enough love, he/she will become a good citizen and therefore, everyone is happy.

But having Rosie at an old age kind of change what I think. 

I am more impatient as I grow older. 

I am more demanding as I grow older.

If I am this impatient and demanding to my biological children, how can I be a good mother to adopted children. 

That makes me pause.




I heard/saw people wanting more children. That is nothing wrong with it but they don't really think about WHY they want children.

The reasons I was given included: taking care of me when I am old. Babies are cute. Everyone does that, so should I.

So selfish!!! 

We are supposed to care for each life, nurture each life, and do our best for each life. 

How can you do it just because your own personal agenda?

It is YOU who needs to change but hoping your children to change.

It is US who need to learn how to be parents but wanting our children to be good kids.

I believe more in nurture than nature. 

I believe We as parents can make a difference in our children's life. 

Until you understand why you want to be a parent, please don't bring another innocent life to this world. 


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    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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