Quoted fromlukai09 - 2009.6 老闆的婚禮


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A couple days ago, one of our adult pickup soccer team players commented how men don't talk about their personal life. His example was that he only learned about one of his baseketball teammate's last name after three years. I asked what they talked about then before or after their games. Nothing. He replied. We just play. We just don't talk about what we do outside of the baseketball court.

This morning, my son, being only almost 9 years old, showed the stereotype of men. He wanted me to buy the same jeans that one of his best friends wore because they were more comfortable. I suggested that he asked his friend where we could get the same jeans. He replied, "But that is weird to ask my friend about jeans. We are boys. Boys don't talk about stuff like that!"

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今晚,耳機裡放著 Gymnopedie,只差沒泡一杯香濃的咖啡(明天不想死的話),好想好想就這樣一直寫下去.....

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Wedding details have to wait. Honeymoon first!

Croatia: Dubrovnik

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我家兒子是個超害羞的小男生。很不喜歡別人把焦點放在他身上。我最近想盡辦法要他學ㄧ學如何當個小紳士。為此我還為他及他的朋友辦了一場 Secret Agent party (以後再寫)。

他不喜歡 dress up,也不喜歡梳頭髮。他最喜歡的頭髮樣式是像哈利波特的一頭亂髮。上次為了他頭髮長蝨子被我強迫剪三分頭, 他氣我氣到不跟我說話。連我結婚時,他也不肯穿西裝。皮鞋穿到典禮為止就又換回他最喜歡的布希鞋。

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This morning, I rushed Calum and left the house 5 minutes earlier than usual because I had to be at a 9 am meeting. As usual, he took his time getting ready and complaining about how uncomfortable his snowpants were. After we got out the house, he kicked snow, picked up ice, and just wandering....strolling....

I almost had to push and drag him to hurry up. I also explained that I had to be at a meeting where the assistant provost came to meet everyone at the Center and how important it was for me to be in the office on time. 

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