
This morning, I rushed Calum and left the house 5 minutes earlier than usual because I had to be at a 9 am meeting. As usual, he took his time getting ready and complaining about how uncomfortable his snowpants were. After we got out the house, he kicked snow, picked up ice, and just wandering....strolling....

I almost had to push and drag him to hurry up. I also explained that I had to be at a meeting where the assistant provost came to meet everyone at the Center and how important it was for me to be in the office on time. 

Of course, he didn't let me get off easily. He asked who the assistant provost was and what did he do. Is he your boss' boss? <Sigh> Yes. It is easier to explain it in his own language instead of teaching him the complex structure in the higher education and how the provost office relates to our work. 

"Oh. He is your boss' boss. Now I understand", he said, "Let's walk fast then, Mom". 

<GOOD> I smiled. 

After 3 seconds, he had another question. "Mom, is it hard to have a child?" "Why", I asked. "Well", he said, "when you have a child, you have to get up early, get me to school early to be in the office on time. It is a lot of work!"

I slowed down and looked at him. I gave him a hug and told him, "No, it is not hard to have a child. Yes, parents do have more responsibilities when we have children. But when we see you healthy and happy, everything is worthy."

He seemed to be satisfied with my answer, then picked up another piece of ice and strolled again....

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    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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