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Calum's teeth jar!
I know it can be a little gross but it is kind of funny too!
When Calum lost his first two teeth, he was in Taiwan. A-Gon and A-Ma had heard of tooth fairly and in order to keep Calum's American tradition, they decided to give Calum NT$10 for each tooth. However, they didn't know that the tooth fairy had to exchange the teeth away with the money. So they gave the $20 to Calum like giving hong-bao in Chinese New Year's and found a cute little jar for Calum to keep his teeth.
Therefore, last week when Calum woke up one morning after leaving another tooth to the tooth fairy and found his tooth gone, he was very upset. He was almost in tears and asked me how he could get his tooth back. I had to tell him that if he put the money back under the pillow and asked the fairy, he might get his tooth back.
"Dear tooth fairy, can I please get my tooth back if I return the money?" he pleaded at night.
Next morning, his money disappeared and the tooth was back. From now on, we never put teeth under the pillow anymore.