
I started to teach Calum piano tonight. He actually has music ears and good pitch. What he lacks is patience. He didn't want to practice the scale but the song. He didn't care about the process but the product. I taught children piano lessons before, but never imagined how difficult it is to teach my own child piano. I had to combine discipline with incentive in the short 30 minutes. I promised if he could practice the scale for 15 minutes I would teach him a song. It worked. In fact, when he could play a song, though with not perfect tempo and finger posture, it was a beautiful song. He was so proud of himself, and I am happy too.

Next I will get music scale sheets and start to teach him the basics of scale. How can I make him draw the musical symbols will be my next challenge.

Impatience or maybe arrogance (or lack of self-confidence) are Calum's biggest weakness. For example, when I ask him about swimming lessons, he will reply "I swim pretty well already". Or he doesn't like to be taught what to do. I used to think that can be a good thing for him because he has his own creativity and own mind. However, it has gotten to a point where he will refuse to take any lesson. It is truth that he is a fast learner and he is smart, but these advantages can go away if he doesn't accept suggestions and improvement.

So now I have changed my strategies. One, I don't ask him what he wants to do. I will give him limited freedom about what after school activities he chooses to do. For example, instead of asking him what classes he wants to take, I let him choose three activities he wants to do. Also, I have to model for him. So I will watch sports with him, which I never did before. I will draw with him when drawing is my biggest weakness. Also, I start to take him to concerts, explain what instrument in a music or what opera is about. I realize he is learning this way with me. I am having fun as well.

I am an educator but sometimes I don't pay enough attention to my own son. He is talented but if I don't guide him to the right direction, his potential will be buried forever. I am writing this blog to share with you, but also to remind myself. Hopefully years later, I will still be doing the same.

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    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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