
Calum lost two teeth in two days. It is funny how his teeth decide they will come off only in the summer. Last summer, he was in Taiwan so I didn't see him losing his first two teeth. This year, it happened in front of me! I had to say it was not really a pretty experience. The first time (or the 3rd one) came off when he was drinking his mango bubble tea. He was talking and drinking (not a good manner, I know) while he took off his tooth (really, he just took it out). The blood was still on the straw (seriously graphic). The the fourth one started to become REALLY loose. He would say, "Look, mommy. I can turn it around". Finally, there was only a tiny skin attaching so I decided it was time to take it out. I held his jaw and yanked it. 'Pop!". It came off and left on my hand. It was a very strange feeling. I knew I had to do it but seeing my baby bleeding still hurt.

We put the teeth in a jar because he didn't believe in tooth fairy (a kid told him that tooth fairies are just parents-I want to kill that kid). Then we took pictures for his Taiwanese grandparents and American grandparents and his Dad. He was so cute.

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    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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