A couple days ago, one of our adult pickup soccer team players commented how men don't talk about their personal life. His example was that he only learned about one of his baseketball teammate's last name after three years. I asked what they talked about then before or after their games. Nothing. He replied. We just play. We just don't talk about what we do outside of the baseketball court.
This morning, my son, being only almost 9 years old, showed the stereotype of men. He wanted me to buy the same jeans that one of his best friends wore because they were more comfortable. I suggested that he asked his friend where we could get the same jeans. He replied, "But that is weird to ask my friend about jeans. We are boys. Boys don't talk about stuff like that!"
I was amused but also surprised. I don't think I ever taught my son what men do or what women do. I personally hate those stereotype profiling. If nothing, I encourage my son to try everything. Where did he get this idea? From school? From his friends? Does the society teach kids at his early age to stereotype? I wonder.....