目前分類:Random thoughts (50)

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今天早上跟我妹妹談到了 lucky 不 lucky 這件事,我妹心軟的說,對於生活比較她不 lucky 的人,我妹會比較包容。所以行為上比較自私,自我,都是可以原諒的。

我很不以為然。撇開行為自私或自我這一點,(因為我是贊成人是要自私的)對於 lucky 或不 lucky 的定義,解釋,我有另ㄧ番看法。 

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今早送走老公後,( 這是不常發生的事,因為他常常出門時我還在睡) 我把廚房整理了一下,遛了狗,就上網看看一些文章,讀到李太太的一天,心想,可以專心照顧家庭真好,不必趕著上班,不必趕著接小孩,可以好好的計畫家庭活動,享受生活!

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最近不知為何迷上了交朋友。並不是我anti-social 而是我可能近幾年自己打拼,獨來獨往習慣了,加上之前單親媽媽,ㄧ面讀書,又要工作。忙到沒時間去經營友情。漸漸的對於中國式或是台灣式,很親近的交友方式很是不習慣。

因為兔寶寶的即將到來,又因為Kai 的關係認識了一些有小寶寶的台灣朋友,開始覺得,是應該擴展自己的交友圈了。

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這個禮拜因為工作,還有我上課的關係,我無法兼顧接送愷仁上鋼琴課。所以很快的在上班時間,用email 很快的跟 Pete 交代了接下來連續三天的行程。最後才問了老公今天過的怎樣,晚上要吃什麼。他說,今天好忙,晚上只想隨便吃吃,還說今天是想喝一杯小酒的一天。

我聽了就知道他今天一定又有無盡的會議,大小問題要處理。他自從接手新部門後,一直有需要重新整頓工作流程的問題,管的人又比以前多很多,加上他的上司 CFO 最近辭職,他需要分擔的工作又更多了。

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We are almost done unpacking for our house except for our books. Pete and I together have collected boxes and boxes of books. Many books have been moved from one house to another house over years. There were even boxes which contained my books shipped from Thailand. I looked around the house and realized that we don't have enough space for them. I started to go through them and thought I would pick ones to keep and some to give. It was a difficult and long process. It was not only time-consuming but also emtional. I smiled at the books that brought me sweet memories, and wiped away the dust from the books that reminded me of the lonely nights in Thailand. In the end, I finally decided to keep most of them, and Pete resecued some of 'give-away' books.

I have been having an inner conversation with myself about books. While my friends are getting Kindle or IPad, I still cling to books and library (bricks and paper library but digital library). I just cannot let go of that physical touch and the ink smell from books. Maybe that was from my childhood when living and breathing books in my mom's bookstore. Since little, I helped my mom signing off the books that we received everyday; checked them in, sorted them and put them on the shelves where they belong. I liked to just look at my work and admired how those books were written. 

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Check out the Art Institute of Chicago

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November 9, 2009 I became the U.S. citizen.

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Sears Tower was remaned Willils Tower in 2009. To us loyal Chicagoian (or you can call us stuborn or ideologists), it was a big blow; same as when Marshall Fields became Marcy's, which resulted many 'Old' Chicagoian boycotted Macy's and never shopped there since.

To me, Sears Tower is the same way. The Tower was constructed in 1974; named after Sears, Roebuck, and Co., a chain department stores. In 1993, the company sold the Tower and moved to the suburb, Hoffman Estates. 

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In high school, the motivation for us for study hard for the university entrance exam was the belief that we would get to go to the dance parties and the boys would come to ask for the first dance.

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La Clemenza De Tito

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  • Aug 12 Tue 2008 10:56

I don't eat breakfast. It is not because I am on a diet. In fact, I eat fairly A LOT during the day. For me, what to have for the breakfast is the most difficult decision in a day. I would stand in front of my refrigerator for 10 minutes; searching up and down the shelves, trying to find anything that resemble anything home.

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I need to sleep.
Just recovered from a bad cold virus.

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對於說與不說之間 我常常不知如何取捨
以前 有人對我說 我不夠積極

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I was on strike.
Shutting down.

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