

Since Calum has always been a good, easy-going, attentive student since he started school, I always thought that was the way it should have been.

Pete joked about it was almost boring to go to Parent-Teacher conference because all the teachers said was "such a good student", "well-liked", "nothing to worry about". 

When we started to see his name on Honor Roll at middle school, we thought that of course everyone should be on the Honor Roll and school must be too easy for students. 

Not until I started to talk with other parents whose children are struggling either socially or academically. 

I spoke with a father who was distraught tonight at the conference. 

A friend's son was struggling socially at school; so seriously that he developed eathing disorder. 

Another friend's son didn't make it to the Honor Roll. 

On the way home, Pete commented how lucky we were. 

Our worries were that Calum got a 86 instead of 99. 

He played too much video games.

He was mouthy sometimes. 

But we forgot to see how fortunate we were. 

He is such a good and lovely child who cares about his friends, respect his teachers and parents, and loves his half-sister unconditionally. 

I, for one, won't take Calum for granted and will appreciate him more. 

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    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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