It puzzled me that C will not like writing.
I am a writer; well, inspired to be.
His father is a writer; a real writer.
So I am not sure where love for writing goes in C's case.
Two days ago, he came home announcing exhilaratingly that he got his first ever A+ in his Reading Art class.
And yesterday he brought it home to let me read his work.
Here is his masterpiece.
My name is one of those names that people always get wrong. It doesn't look hard to say, but people manage to mess up. In five different languages Calum means dove. The majority of these languages are Irish or Scottish. I got my name from a priest at my Mom's wedding. He was open-minded like a gaping hole and didn't do things like other priests. Kind of like me.
I like my name because it is uncommon. It is uncommon like a typo in a famous novel. There aren't that many and it's always a shocker. Whenever someone sees it for the first time, they think I spelled it wrong. My name is a name that can walk into somone's mind and stretches itself out. My name is a good name, but a difficult one.
This is so him. Witty and true to himself.
I don't care about A+ but I hope to see more of his creative writing like this.