2010 our family trip was Spain. In June, I had a conference in Turkey for a week. Pete and I originally were planning our annual family trip to France because Calum was interested in French but because of my conference, we decided to change our destination to Spain (after calculating the costs and all). After my conference, I flew from Turkey to Spain to meet Pete and Calum. I was a little nevous about Calum and Pete traveling together internationally for the first time. But they proved me wrong. They had a fun traveling together.
Our first stop was Madrid. When I flew in, because my flight was about two hours later than Pete and Calum's, I thought they would have waited for me at the airport, to give me the missing hugs. But no. These two guys decided to take a nap in the hotel while I took the cab alone and navigated my way to find them snoring in bed while world cup playing on the TV. So our first half of the day was spent in bed napping. Pete and Calum justified our behavior as 'When in Rome, do what Roman do". Since Spaniards take Siesta and pracitally don't start their activities until 7 or 8, we should adjust ourselves to the local culture. Calum was loving it! He loved the fact that he could eat late, stay late, and sleep late. He especially loved the fact that he could go to any bars with us. He loved his Fanta while we had our wine and just sat watching people enjoying their evenings.
Spanish food indeed is awesome; lots of seafood, lots or real ham and cheeses. I tried to take as many pictures whenever I remembered (most of time I only remembered after we almost finished the dishes).
Besides food, we tried to watch as many world cup soccer games as possible. The soccer fever was soooo different than in the U.S. Calum and Pete looked all over Madrid to get a scarf with American flag on to cheer for American team whenever they were playing.