I have seen and assisted in making pie before but never made any pie on my own. Pete's step sister Missy makes wonder apple pies and her pie started my liking in pies (I don't eat sweets, desserts, cakes, or pies).
This year Pete and I took Calum and Mei Mei apple picking. We found one closed to us; 30 minutes drive. It was a small apple farm, but it is the way I like it. Simple no frills. It was early in October but there were only three types of apples left for picking. Golden Delicious, Jonathan, and Empire. Kids were having a ball! They could pick by themselves from the low branches; tried it or bagged it. We were also given a device; a long stick with a net in the end so we could pick the ones up high. Very soon our bags were full.
It was a beautiful day!
They were so proud of the apples they picked!
Recipe for Apple Pie
Peel 6-7 tart apples (I used both Jonathan and Golden Delicious)
Mix in : 3/4 cup sugar
2 tbs flour
1tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
dash of salt
Topping: 1/2 cup butter
1 cup flour
2/3 cup brown sugar
Max apples and seasonings, place in pie crust. Put topping on pie. Bake at 400 degree for 30 minutes or until topping is brown. Cool down.