
Today I stumbled into a blog (Blog A) about another blogger (Blog B) who recently annouced her separation from her husband. In the writing, I gathered that Blogger A and Blogger B were not friends; not even acquaintance. However, Blogger A lamented how she didn't see it (separation) coming in Blogger B's blog and how Blogger B had painted a rosy picture about her family life. I was curious about what made Blogger A so upset so I read the comments following this post. To my great surprise, most comments agreed with Blogger A. One even said, "I stopped reading her blog (Blogger B) because she started writing about her trip but her life which was why I started to follow her blog."

Then I found Blogger B's blog. Blogger B wrote beautifully and her blog about her separation teared me up. I almost bookmarked her. Then I asked myself what would be my reason to follow her blog. And why was her reason to write about her separation? What should be written in the blog? 

People blog for different reasons. I started to blog about 10 years ago. I was living in Thailand as expatriates. My life was about being in a foreign land; managing maids; having coffee and playdates. So I blogged about what I did there, what my maid cooked for me, and what my son's playdates were. I also blogged about how my marriage to a Northshore family was like, which attracted lots of attention. Quickly, I started to have my steady readers and when I began to read my readers' blogs, I became their reader and we formed an online group. During my three years in Thailand, this group helped me through my cultural shock and me being alone in a foreign land with a foreign husband. I also practiced my writing style in Mandarin. Since my primary language had been English after moving to the U.S. after high school, my writing in Mandarin seemed choppy. During that time, readers comments motivated me to write every day and I searched for the comments after I finish a blog.

After my divorce, there was a long period of time I couldn't write. Sentences didn't come to me and I had no motivation or inspirations to write. Then one day, I started to write again but this time, I didn't look for comments and I didn't want readers; well, not entirely. Blogging became my therapy. I chanelled my emotions into blogging and each time I felt exhuasted. Then you might ask, why blog? Just keep a diary. Right, that makes perfect sense. So why? 

I have friends who complain about me not leaving comments. But I didn't want to make comments on her personal life our thoughts becuase that would be too judgemental. Was she looking for my advice? Or was she just looking for a validation?  

Going back to Blogger A's complaint. Did Blogger B have responsibility to record every details about her life so when her readers could know that the separation was coming and so her readers wouldn't feel "cheated" or "disappointed"? What is a blogger's responsibility? 

I don't have answer to that and since I ran out of steam; I am going to leave this question here for my readers and fellow bloggers to ponder. 

And that...says how responsible a blogger I am. 

Good night.





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