
This morning, as usual, was rush plus chaotic. Calum's project needed pictures, which we 'forgot' to do it last night after the band performance. Rosie wanted to join the activities and refused to sit by herself. Boomer, irritated by neighbor’s lighted dog status and roaming squirrels in the backyard, ran around the house and barked like crazy. I was shouting instructions for my mom about Rosie and Calum to take Boomer for a walk while getting dressed and ready to get out of house. My mom scolded me for making Calum take the dog out while he clearly enjoyed holding Rosie.


In the car, I took a breather and muttered, “ Why are we so busy?”

Paused for a second, Calum replied, “We are busy because we decided to.”

“What do you mean by that”, I asked.

“Well, I am busy because I decide to join Team Evanston soccer. You are busy with Rosie because you decided to have Rosie”, he replied.

Simple yet powerful.

Yes, we do have choice and once we make our choice, we go ahead but complain about it. Once you think that way, life is not so miserable anymore.

My son is a great philosopher who always points me to the right direction when I am lost.

    創作者 shyanmei 的頭像

    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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