
On Saturday night, a big thank you to a friend Suni for sharing the ticket with me so I got to see one of my favorite signers, Suzanne Vega at Evanston Space. The first time I heard about her was in 1991 when I first came to Chicago for college.

My English at that time was at  "I go to school everyday." level so I was required to take ESL classes in the English Language Program at Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.

It was the best time in my life. Ever. 

Many teachers there left me with a great impression and influence. Ushi, Jane, Donna, Mary, Glen, Nancy, Cindy, and Megan.

Megan taught 80 (medium) level 2nd semester at Roosevelt, about 6 months in Chicago. 

She had beautiful wavy silver white hair and misty blue eyes.  

She introduced us to native American dances, music, and opened her Zen house to her students. 

One day in the lesson of Prepositions, she played Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega. 

I F.E.L.L. I.N. L.O.V.E. with Suzanne Vega.  

I then learned about "My name is Luka" and was touched by its powerless and yet looking for hope story. 


The Queen And The Soldier. Gypsy. 99.9 F. Solitude Standing.



I like her smoky voice and her thoughtful lyrics. 

I like the way she tells stories in her songs... a little sad, a little lonely, and yet satisfying. 

So it was a truly dream comes true to see her in person and in the front row no less.....(again, THANK YOU Suni!)

That night, I fell in love with her all over again but with a little different appreciation for who she is.

I love the way she said "Thanks". 

She spoke with sophistication and with beautiful enunciation. 

I tired to count her 'um', 'you know', 'like' in her speech and I could hardly find one. (A habit that Iinherited from my Public Speech class). 


Listening to her brought me back to when I fell in love with English language and of course, my unforgettable formative years. 

Later, when I began an English teacher myself, I often used Tom's Diner in my teaching.

I hope some of my students might remember this song and the passion for learning languages that I wanted to deliver to them. 







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    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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