
I really thought I was going labor yesterday. I had 7 contractions every five minutes apart. I couldn't walk staight. When I went home in the mid-day from work, I had serious diarrhea and vomited. Then my whole body ached all over; as if I had a flu minus fever. I stayed in bed for the rest of day and night. Couldn't eat anything.

But this morning, I was better and I went to work. My colleagues threw me a very surprise baby shower which they have been planning since June! How did I miss that! They even arranged for Pete and Calum to come to the party. I had no clue at all!! I was so stressed about Calum's not wanting to go to the camp in the afternoon and had to arrange my friend Li Yao to pick him up and had a playdate, etc. Calum is a very good secret keeper, and I should have known that since he kept the secret for Pete about the engagement ring and the proposal. Today he told me it was hard because he had to find a cover-up for a cover-up. It was very cute. 

I think 2-bauabu purposely wanted to stay longer for the babyshower. Maybe my colleagues also arranged it with the baby as well.

I still have on and off contractions throughout the day and I have a feeling that baby is coming soon. But how soon? No idea. We will let everyone know once 2-baubau makes up his/her mind.

    創作者 shyanmei 的頭像

    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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