
I did not and do not want to admit I have a baby brain.

When I was 'advised' not to do this or 'informed' about what symptoms that I might have beacuse of pregnancy, I always thought "what is the big deal, I am only carrying a baby."

Well, it is a big deal especially when I am carrying a baby when I am 39 but not 29.

First, I feel tired so easily. This is not neccessarily bad because I have more excuses to 'boss' my husband and son around. Even Boomer has to be nice to me.

Second, I have every symptoms descriped in the pregnancy books. Well, I didn't have much morning sickness but others like pain in the hip, dizziness, etc all happen to me.

Despite my physical discomfort, I still didn't and don't want o admit my life will be so much different after being pregnant.

Then, this morning, when I asked my co-worker a same question after 5 times. I had to accept that I have a baby brain now. <Sigh>

Before I wrote this blog, I thought about a good topic but after a few SECONDS, I totally forgot. *_*

So here it is. My borning and complaining blog.

    創作者 shyanmei 的頭像

    Charmin-Ultra: Don't Squeeze Me

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