Entering the 19th week, Pete and I started to research for baby stuff. After 10 years, I have nothing left from Calum's time and have no idea where to start.; not to mention that everything babyish has changed so much in these 10 years!!! From crib to stroller, from onesie to swaddle; the function, the style, and the price are like rocket science, requires comparison, contrast, deduction, and all nine yards!!
10 years ago I was young and had less money, so it was simpler. I basically inherited the crib from a relative's neighbor's relative. My mom bought a bath tub worth $1 from the market. The only valuable item was the stroller which was a gift from my ex-mother in law how came all the way to Taiwan to see me and the baby and thought since I was living in such a primitive living condition and my ex-husband was not there with me, I deserved a nice stroller that I could fold it in one hand and do it all by myself.
10 years later, Pete and I are in a different stage of life and we have a little more to spend on our baby; Pete's first baby. And since I am older (of course! it's been 10 years!!!), I feel I am entitled to have whatever I could afford; hence the headache. So my budget range for baby stuff is wider, my expectation for a crib is higher and my once fancy-schmancy stroller is barely the 'nice' one in today's market.
So today, after visiting two high-end baby stores I thought I had the decision for the stroller. There were two that I am considering. And after hours of debating, finally the issue of price came to my mind. OMG. The two I picked are in the $500 range. Then I asked myself. Why am I doing this? I know that I want to give my baby the best. But I always believe that best doesn't equal to $$$. I know we could afford either of them, but is this the value that I want to teach my children and want my children to grow up with?
I have to admit that sometimes I am judgmental about people who have to have the best/most expensive things for their children. So I ask myself, am I becoming one myself? Do I start to believe that money is everything and I need to build a life in which $$$ is more important than the experience and ideas that I or my family could create for my children? What kind of person do I want my children to become?
I had once lived with money and style; and I have seen what that kind of life could make a person to be. And it is so easy to forget what else is there in your life. I hope I don't lose my perspective and I hope I will re-check my value in the process of bringing up my children.
Whatever my decision will be for the stroller, I hope I could make it with the best and sensible judgement.