Pete had started the idea of not wanting to know 2-baubau's gender in the beginning. Usually, I would have objected because I am a very impatient person. I have to know. Or maybe I am a control freak!
After thinking about it, I thought it was a neat idea so I agreed with him. We decided on green to be the color for the nursery, baby furniture, and called baby 2-baubau.
In the following ultrasounds, we told the doctor that we didn't want to know whether it was a girl or boy. Obviously not knowing the gender had become a trend so the doctor complied with our request happily. The only person who was not very happy was Calum. In the end of ultrasound, when the doctor asked if he had any questions, Calum asked in a stern face, "Is baby a girl or a boy?" The doctor answered him seriously, "There is 50% to be a girl and another 50% a boy." Calum contemplated about the answer and left the hospital 50% satisfied.
Last week, my co-worker told me about gender reveal cake. A gender reveal cake is served at the gender reveal party when the parents-to-be want to announce their baby's gender. (I have to say, Americans really love to party. They can think about anything and everything to celebrate, to have parties, to receive gifts!!!)
I was curious about how the cakes look so I did some research. Here are some that I found.
At the party, the parents-to-be would cut the cake and the filing shows either blue or pink to indicate whether it is a boy or girl.
I think this is a neat and cute idea. However, personally, I also think it is very gender-biased. Who decides that we have to raise our children in either pink or blue? When I shopped for baby mittens at Target last week, I couldn't find anything not pink nor blue. I came home empty-handed. What is wrong with green mittens or white mittens? When are we so programmed and by whom?