
On Friday June 2, 2011, we had a birthday for Boomer for his first birthday with McWang family. 

It was Calum's idea actually. When Calum and I went to Happy Husky Bakery, a very nice dog store, to pick up Boomer's food, Calum was amazed by doggie beers and a very cute cake for dogs in the store. He suggested that we give Boomer a birthday party and invited Boomer's best friends. 

On a fine Friday evening, I set up the party for Boomer and invited his friends, Mickey and Zeus. I put up balloons, prepared food for his friends' family, and of course, a cake and beers for Boomer and his friends.  

Boomer posted for the photo shot before the party



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He and his friends loved the cake but didn't care for the beers too much.                                                      

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Saying Happy Birthday to Boomer

Boomer with his friends. Mickey and Zeus.   

The card made by Calum (with a bag of treat)

Calum's card and present for Boomer.

Playing with his present (He also gave a HUGE bone from Zeus, and a toy from Mickey but I didn't get to take pictures)


Boomer, 6 weeks old


Boomer, 1-year-old

Boomer and Calum.jpg  

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