接下來兩三天,大家都鬼鬼祟祟的。平時交頭接耳,米太太 (正式改變身分)一出現他們就停止談話,或者用一種米太太聽不太懂的腔調說話。【後來知道是Pig Latin(註)】。米太太心中開始出現問號??【他們是不是有事瞞著我?是不是他們不喜歡我?】米太太心中很沮喪。

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因為米先生長期住國外,而王小姐又是米先生千里迢迢帶回來的女朋友,米婆婆本來就計畫約親朋好友幫我們開個Welcome Party。誰知道極度害羞的米先生竟然先下手為強,米婆婆立即決定把當天的Welcome party 改成訂婚party!

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  • Aug 18 Thu 2005 12:14
  • 新家

我住的地方每隔十分鐘就有一架飛機飛過每十五分鐘 後院又有火車轟隆轟隆的急駛過
幾天下來 我已經練就在談話被打斷以後還可不加逗點或句號繼續把一個句子講完

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When are you coming?

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Feel like home

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Tears, Happy? Sad?
I am in tears again.

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Dear Calum:Today was my last day in Taiwan and I was trying to spend as much time with youas possible. But I know I have to say good bye after all. I have to learn to let go. I think it is the hardest thing for me. I never imagined this before. I mean I never understood why parents always couldn't let their children go before. Now I am a mother and have to make this decision. And I understand now.I was a bit agitated tonight because I was anxious about the new life ahead of me and also sad about leaving you in Taiwan. So we had a little clash. Then you and I talked about my leaving again. We both cried. That was good. Baby I know I have told you over and over again to be brave. But it is OK to cry; to express your true feelings to ones who love you and whom you love. We hugged each other and I told you your favorite story (The little red riddinghood) and sang you the theme song from Doramo. You finally fell asleep holdling my arm close to your heart. I feltyour heartbeats from excitedly beating to finally calming down. I kissed your hair and face, then I came here to write you this diary.There are 16 hours before I leave. I still have something to take care of. I will turn in pretty soon and sleep with my baby one for the last night. Grandma told me that you talked to Daddy tonight. I hope you enjoyed it. I am very tired now. So I will keep this diary short. Love, Mommy

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