
第一,他脾氣好。除了我妹妹的老公 John 外,我再也沒有看過可以忍受王家小姐脾氣的男人了。我的脾氣很倔,而且很愛面子,每次吵架ㄧ定不是我道歉。我老公總是說王家女人字典裡沒有對不起這句話。

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Our Prince Boomer has not been very well recently though you cannot tell from his undiminished energy and demeanor. He had an ear infection three weeks ago; then hookworms; then a recurring ear infection. We have been in and out the hospital in the past 2 months. Although we don’t know exactly where and how he got these problems, we have a good guess that might be either from the dog park or when he roamed around with his buddy Mickey in whatever unknown objects on the golf course and a ravine near our house.

So after the weeks of treatment and recurring ear infection, I asked the vet to give him a cone; aka e-Collar; aka cone of shame. Oh, by the way, we just learned that the e-collar’s the full name is Elizabethan collar today.

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This is how big 2-bau-bau is today. This vegetable is called rutabaga and I have no idea what it is.

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I did not and do not want to admit I have a baby brain.

When I was 'advised' not to do this or 'informed' about what symptoms that I might have beacuse of pregnancy, I always thought "what is the big deal, I am only carrying a baby."

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最近 兔寶寶宗教的問題慢慢的浮現了出來


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而且我發現各個門派 各個學說 西方東方又說不的準

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呼 轉眼間已經快過孕期的一半了

因為是高齡產婦的關係吧 每天我的朋友都要問一問我好不好 上班時老闆會不時"鼓勵"我不要太累 不要搬重的東西 需要的話 回家休息

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Entering the 19th week, Pete and I started to research for baby stuff. After 10 years, I have nothing left from Calum's time and have no idea where to start.; not to mention that everything babyish has changed so much in these 10 years!!! From crib to stroller, from onesie to swaddle; the function, the style, and the price are like rocket science, requires comparison, contrast, deduction, and all nine yards!! 

10 years ago I was young and had less money, so it was simpler. I basically inherited the crib from a relative's neighbor's relative. My mom bought a bath tub worth $1 from the market. The only valuable item was the stroller which was a gift from my ex-mother in law how came all the way to Taiwan to see me and the baby and thought since I was living in such a primitive living condition and my ex-husband was not there with me, I deserved a nice stroller that I could fold it in one hand and do it all by myself. 

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以為過了懷孕第一期 不再會孕吐 不會不時頭就開始釣魚


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